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Bathroom Remodeling Tips for People With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Worker Remodeling Bathroom. Installing New Ceramic Tiles. Construction Theme.

If you’re one of the many people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know that your bathroom can be a source of great comfort—or great discomfort. For people with IBS, the bathroom can be a place to relax and relieve stress, or it can be a place where they experience pain and embarrassment. If you’re upgrading your bathroom, there are a few tips you should know to make the experience more comfortable. People with IBS know that even the simplest things, like remodeling their bathroom, can be a challenge. But with a little planning and some expert advice, you can have the bathroom of your dreams without compromising your health. Below, you’ll learn a few bathroom remodeling tips that could be helpful, especially as someone who suffers from gastrointestinal issues.

Plan the remodel around your budget.

Make sure to budget your expenses to ensure that you don’t put yourself through added stress. There are a lot of affordable options for bathroom remodeling, and you don’t need to break the bank to create a comfortable space. You’ll want to choose a reliable bath remodeling company to ensure that your new bathroom is crafted by professionals. If you’re looking for the best bathroom remodel Lubbock has to offer, then you may want to consider Beautiful Bath Pro. Get a luxury bath built for an affordable price and ensure that your needs are met.

Consider the layout of your bathroom.

When remodeling a bathroom for someone with irritable bowel syndrome, it is important to consider the layout of the bathroom. The person with IBS may want to install a toilet that is higher off the ground than a traditional one. This will make it easier for the person with IBS to sit down and stand up quickly. Perhaps you may even want to consider a grab bar next to the toilet to provide support when standing up as well. It is common for people with IBS to suffer from abdominal pain, so any further effort to get up from the toilet may cause strain. You might also want a sink that is lower to the ground than a traditional sink in order to make it easier to wash your hands. People with IBS may also prefer that their toilet is closer to the door. When you suffer from this disorder, the bathroom layout makes a huge difference.

Install proper ventilation.

Remodeling a bathroom for people with irritable bowel syndrome can seem daunting, but with some careful planning, it can be a breeze. It’s important to install a ventilation fan to help remove any unpleasant odors. This will help to make the bathroom more pleasant to use. Poor ventilation can increase the risk of mold and other allergens. There are some studies supporting the idea that mold toxicity can perhaps trigger chronic rhinosinusitis and IBS symptoms.

Make your bathroom a relaxing place.

It’s also a good idea to choose soft, neutral colors for the walls and flooring. This will help to create a relaxing and calming atmosphere for your bathroom. Stress and anxiety can aggravate IBS symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and stomach-churning. It’s important to slow down and create an environment that feels like a place that’s made for relief.

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from IBS, it’s important that you seek medical assistance from a provider that works with primary care and gastroenterology in Staten Island, NY. This ensures that you can identify what triggers your IBS and manage any pain or accidents. By following these tips, people with IBS can minimize the risk of flare-ups and make their bathroom remodel a more pleasant experience.

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