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How to Become More Comfortable in Your Home

Your home is your haven, and that’s why we all want to care for our homes as much as possible. There’s nothing more upsetting than coming home after a long day to an apartment or house that’s in disrepair, with musty indoor air and mold on and in the walls.

You want to be able to curl up on the couch in your favorite robe, take a deep breath of fresh air and feel at ease. You don’t want that same robe to stink of must and mold-smell while you try to relax. So, with that in mind, what can you do to get your home to the top-notch state you want it in? There a few easy steps you can take to care of everything from your indoor air to the general décor. Read on to learn what they are.

Clear out old belongings that you don’t use anymore.

One major contributor to the feeling of musty, stale air is a room full of clutter. Piles of old papers, knick-knacks that collect dust, stacks of books—all of these may play a role in making your space feel claustrophobic and unwelcoming.

It’s enough to make you experience fatigue just to look at all those piles, right? Well, you don’t have to tackle them all at once. Instead, take it one room at a time, but be sure to set a strict timeline for completion, lest the effort fall by the wayside. Consider donating books, clothes, and more. You get a cleaner house, and those who need the items get them. It’s a win-win!

Have your indoor air quality tested.

The thing you do most at home is breathe, and yet you probably haven’t thought about your indoor air quality in a while—if at all. Your indoor air can be unpleasant, but it can also be toxic, especially if your air quality test turns up traces of carbon monoxide or radon (both poisonous gases).

If you’ve had a lot of headaches, nausea, or dizziness lately, your indoor air quality might be the culprit. Scheduling air quality testing is easy, as is installing an air purifier if need be. Don’t risk making health problems like asthma or allergies worse due to any exposure to pollen, mold, or other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Instead, schedule an air quality test and enjoy the peace of mind and improved air quality that comes with it.

Add a houseplant or two to your indoor space.

One easy way to make your space feel airier and more comfortable is to simply buy some easy-care houseplants to add to your space. Houseplants improve your air quality, too, although not as well as an air purifier will. Plus, studies show that having plants around is good for your overall mood well. If you’re wondering whether to buy a new appliance or a new plant, maybe opt for the plant this time.

Get yourself something comfy to wear when you’re at home.

After you’ve tested your air quality, cleared out the clutter, and bought yourself some lovely African violets or a snake plant, you can take your occupancy to the next level by buying something you’ll love to wear at home.

Maybe that’s a new robe, some silk loungewear, or any other garment. Maybe it’s fuzzy slippers. Whatever speaks to you, go for it. You’ve done so much to make your quality of life better, you deserve a great garment that makes you feel as comfy as possible when chilling on the sofa or in an easy chair.

Being comfortable at home is one of the most important things to invest in. Make sure to test your air quality, de-clutter your space, and buy a few houseplants. You’ll feel great in your loungewear in the fresh air soon enough.

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