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Simple Health Tips to Boost Your Immune System

Keep from getting sick at any time of the year with these simple health tips to boost your immune system.

Keep a Healthy Diet

Many plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices have antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Zinc, iron, folate, copper, selenium, and vitamins A, C, E, B6, and B12 all support the function of the immune system. The amino acids found in protein help build and maintain cells. A lack of protein impacts the body’s ability to fight off infections. A lack of vitamin C, which the body gets from citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables, can also inhibit the body’s ability to fight infection. A diet fit for immune health should incorporate many fruits and vegetables.

Supplements can be added to a healthy diet to ensure the body gets the right amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. CALERIE is an all-natural NAD and NMN supplement company that creates customized supplements that mimic the body’s naturally occurring biological processes. The supplements offered at focus on restoring energy production at the cellular level. The ingredients making up CALERIE’s LIFESPAN, Entourage, Sirtuin, and Immunity Supplements are all globally sourced, creating NAD+ and NMN supplements that aid healthy weight management and help increase lifespan.

Keep Stress Under Control

Long-term stress has negative effects on the body. In small doses, the stress hormone cortisol can prevent the immune system from responding to a potential threat. Chronic stress results in consistently high cortisol levels, which prevent the immune system from functioning properly to protect the body from potential threats. Keep stress under control by practicing stress-reduction techniques. Meditation, journaling, and relaxing hobbies can all relieve stress and can be practiced on a daily basis.

Sleep Matters

Sleep is essential to a healthy immune system as it is the time when the body regenerates and heals itself. During sleep, the body creates immune cells like cytokines, T cells, and interleukin 12. When the body is sleep-deprived, the immune system’s production of immune cells is impacted and the body is left with weakened defenses. Sleep deprivation is also linked to elevated cortisol levels, which weaken immune system performance. A healthy adult should get a minimum of seven hours of quality sleep a night. Practice good sleep hygiene by putting away electronics two hours before bed.

Get Active

Getting active is important for boosting the immune system. Routine physical exercise lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases while increasing the levels of pain-reducing hormones like endorphins. Physical exercise causes the immune system to become more vigilant and distribute immune cells through the body to repair damaged or sick cells.

The average adult should get at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or an hour and fifteen minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise weekly. Strength training exercises should be done at least twice a week. Exercising outside has the added benefit of boosting levels of vitamin D from sun exposure, which is also important to immune health.

Learn How to Control Chronic Conditions

Chronic conditions can negatively affect the immune system and leave the body vulnerable to infections. A weak immune system has to fight harder to defend the body and help it heal. For example, those with asthma are more susceptible to catching the flu and experiencing worsened asthma symptoms as a result. Those with diabetes who struggle to manage their blood sugar levels could suffer from a chronic, low-grade inflammatory response. Learning how to control chronic conditions frees up the body’s immune cell reserves and allows the immune system to better fight infection.

Suffering from chronic pain in the jaw, mouth, head, face, or neck could be a sign of orofacial pain. Unmanaged orofacial pain can lead to further disruptive issues like chronic headaches, toothaches, trouble sleeping, Trigeminal neuralgia, and TMJ. The Rutgers School of Dental Medicine is dedicated to Orofacial Pain diagnosis and treatment to help patients find relief. Through a comprehensive evaluation of symptoms, triggers, and previous treatments, the doctors at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine will find a treatment plan to effectively minimize symptoms and help you manage orofacial pain.

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